World History Sambalpur University : World History is a vast and complex subject, covering the entire history of human civilization from its earliest beginnings to the present day. It is a fascinating subject that can teach us a great deal about ourselves and the world around us. However, it can also be quite daunting, especially for those who are new to the topic.
This blog post will provide you with a free PDF download of World History Sambalpur University. This PDF is a comprehensive and well-written guide to World History, covering all of the major topics from the Stone Age to the present day. It is an ideal resource for students, teachers, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about World History.
World History Sambalpur University
World in 20th Century (1914-1950 A.D)
- First World War and Paris Peace Settlement.
- League of Nations – Achievements and Failure.
- Disarmament.
Unit-II - Rise of Fascism and Nazism.
- Causes and Results of II World War.
- World in 1945.
Unit-III - UNO – Origin, Organisation and Function.
- Origin of the Cold War – Super Power Rivalry.
- Chinese Revolution of 1949.
World in 20th Century (1950-1995 A.D)
- The Development of Cold War – Military Alliances and Implications.
- The Vietnamese Conflict (1954-75).
- The West Asian Conflict – Palestine Problem and Arab-Issrial Wars (1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973 wars).
Unit-II - The Process of Détente.
- Sino-US and US-Soviet Relations.
- Arms Race – Disarmament and Arms Control.
Unit-III - India’s Foreign Policy – Salient Features, India’s Relation with Pakistan, the USA, USSR.
- Disintegration of the Soviet Union.
- Emerging World Order in 1990s.
History of Modern World
Unit – I
A) French Revolution (1789), Causes and Effects, Significance of the Revolution
B) Napoleon Bonaparte – Rise to Power, Consulate, Nepoleonic Empire, Continental System, Causes of Nepolean’s Failure, An Estimate of Nepolean,
The Congress of Vienna-1815, Holy Alliance, Concert of Europe
Unit – II
A) Matternich System : Unification of Italy, Mazzini, Gabribaldi and Cavour,
Unification Germany : Role of Bismark
B) The German Empire : Foreign Policy of Bismark
Unit – III
A) Revolution of 1917, Causes and Effects, Causes of First World War
B) Paris Peace Conference, Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations : Causes and
Effects, UNO – Organisation, Evolution and Achievements
Unit – IV
A) India’s Foreign Policy – Salient Features – Objectives, Non-Alignment
B) Cold War – Origin and Evolution
World Civilization
Unit – I
A) Prehistoric Culture
B) Egyptian Civilization : The Age of Early Egyptians and Pyramids.
New Kingdom 1580 BC-1150 BC Religion,
Art and Architecture, Writing and Literature
C) Mesopotamian Civilization, Sumerian Kingdom, Babilonian Empire, Assyrian Rule and Contribution, Art and Architecture, Religion and Literature
Unit – II
A) Ancient China Old Empire-History and Culture (early period upto 3rd Century B.C) Han Dynasty
Tang Dynasty
Art and Architecture
Religion and Philosophy
B) Mayan Civilization
Art and Architecture
Socio Economic Condition
Literature Writing and Intellectual Development
Unit – III
A) Green Civilization
City States and Forms of Government
Political Institutions
History of Greeks Golden Age
Education and Literature
Religion and Philosophy
B)` Rome Civilization
Expansion of Rome
Rise of Dictatorship
Golden Age –
Greek Culture – Law, Architecture, Society, Religion and Philosophy
Unit – IV
A) Rise of Christianity
Religious System prevailing on the eve of Birth of Jesus Christ
B) Rise of Islam
Religion before the advent of Mohammad the Prophet, Life and Teaching
Rise and growth of Islam and its impact on World Civiliztion
Unit – V
A) The Crusades
1st Crusades, 2nd Crusades, 3rd Crusades, Impact on Society
B) Reformation Movement, Renaissance, Geographical Discoveries
World History Sambalpur University Free PDF Download Closing
This blog post has provided you with a free PDF download of World History Sambalpur University. This PDF is a comprehensive and well-written guide to World History, covering all of the major topics from the Stone Age to the present day. It is an ideal resource for students, teachers, and anyone else who is interested in learning more about World History.
World History Sambalpur University | Download |
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