High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha : The candidates should be well versed with OSSC Odisha Teacher Syllabus and exam pattern to crack the exam in the first attempt only. The competent authorities have mentioned the detailed OSSC Odisha Teacher Recruitment syllabus for all subjects along with the notification.
OSSC Odisha Teacher Syllabus 2023
- Test Duration – 150 Minutes
- Total Questions – 150 Objective Type Multiple Choice Question
- Total Marks- 150 marks
- Negative Marking – 0.25 marks
- Type of Questions – MCQ
- Each question carries – 01 mark
Post | Paper | Subject | No of Question |
Common Paper for All Post | I | a) General Knowledge & Current Affairs, b) Reasoning Ability, c) Computer Literacy, d) Pedagogy, & Evaluation. | 50 |
TGT Science PCM | II | a) Physics, b) Chemistry, c) Mathematics | 100 |
TGT Science CBZ | II | a) chemistry, b) Botany, c) Zoology | 100 |
TGT Arts | II | a) History + Poetical Science, b) Geography + Economics, c) English d) Odia | 100 |
Hindi Teacher | II | Hindi | 100 |
Sanskrit Teacher | II | Sanskrit | 100 |
Telegu Teacher | II | Telogu | 100 |
Physical Education Teacher | II | Physical Education | 100 |
Perper – I
- General Knowledge and Current Affairs (15 Mark)
- Reasoning Ability (10 Mark)
- Computer Literacy (10 Mark)
- Pedagogy & Evaluation (15 Mark)
Paper – II
5. Subject (100 Mark)
Paper -I
(Total 50 marks)
[General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Reasoning Ability, Computer Literacy, Pedagogy & Evaluation]
Section – I Odisha Teacher Syllabus
1. General Knowledge and Current Affairs (15 Marks)
- Current events of State (Odisha), National and International Importance-
- History of Odisha / India
- Indian and World Geography
- Indian Polity
- Economic and Social Development
- Everyday Science
Section-II (High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha)
2. Reasoning Ability (10 Marks)
- General mental ability
- Logical reasoning and analytic ability-
- Basic numeracy-
- Decision Making & Problem Solving-
Section-III (High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha)
3. Computer Literacy (10 Marks)
I. Basic computer literacy skills for use of ICT in classrooms-
- Concepts, terminology and operations that relate to general computer usage. –
- Basic Hardware of Computer-
- Common Applications,
- Networking and Internet –
- Social Networking –
- Digital Citizenship
Section-IV (For all posts except PET)
4. Pedagogy & Evaluation (15 Marks)
A. Learning Process / Pedagogy
- 1. Understanding the Learning Process
- Learning as a process and an outcome
- Approaches — Humanistic (Karl Rogers)
- Constructivist (Piaget and Vygotsky)
- Basic conditions of learning: Readiness, Maturation, Motivation, Task and Methods
2. Organizing Learning
- Teacher-Centric, Learner —Centric, Learning-Centric
- Characteristics and Process
3. Addressing Classroom Diversity
- Using varieties of TLMs and AV Aids
- Using context of the learner
- Using variety of activities while group learning, small group learning and self learning
- Learner in the context of Inclusive Education
1. Assessment and Evaluation
- Assessment and evaluation in constructive perspective
- Concept, Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation , Formative, Summative and Diagnostic Assessment
2. Assessment and Learning
- Assessment of Learning, Assessment for learning, Assessment as Learning
- Subject-based learning in a constructivist perspective
- Assessment tools and techniques —Projects, Assignments, Observation, Teacher made Tests
- Self-assessment, Peer-assessment
3.Test Construction
- Steps and Principles of Test Construction
- Development of blue print
- Preparation of test items
- Standardized and Teacher made Test
Section-IV (For the post of PET)
Pedagogy, Planning & Evaluation- 15 Marks
1. Pedagogy
- Teaching Techniques(Lecture method, Demonstration Method, Discussion method and Project method etc)
- Important devices and methods of teaching
- Teaching Procedure-Whole method, Part method, Whole and Part method
- Difference between teaching methods and Teaching Aids
2.Programme Planning & Evaluation
- Programme planning, principles of programme planning in Physical Education
- Function of planning-organisation of school sports, coordination and conducting of Physical Education activities
- Evaluation of School Physical Education activities and School Health Education Programme
Paper -II
Total Mark 100
Section – I (High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha)
Unit-1 Motion
Newton’s laws of motion, Kinematic Equations of motions with acceleration, Graphical representation of Kinematics Equations of motion, Relative velocity and relative acceleration, work energy and power, conservation of energy, collision problem and conservation of linear momentum, forces of nature, friction force.
Circular motion, Rotational Kinematics, Conservation of angular momentum, Moment of Inertia.
Motion under Gravity, project motion, Simple harmonic motion, and Kinematics of simple harmonic motion, simple pendulum.
Unit-2 Gravitation.
Kepler’s law of planetary motion, Newton’s law of gravitation, Acceleration due to gravity, Gravitational field andpotential, Escape velocity and satellite motion, Geo stationary Satellites.
Unit-3 Properties of Matter
Inter- atomic and intermolecular force, Elasticity, Stress, Strain and Hook’s law , Elastic module
Kinetic theory of gases, concept of heat, pressure and temperature, specific heat, law of equipartition of energy, Universal Gas laws, measurement of Pressure
Surface tension, surface energy, angle of contact, excess pressure, capillarity, viscosity, Poiseuille’s law, Stokes’s Law, Bernoulli’s Equation of fluid motion.
Hydrostatics, Buoyancy, Archimedes Principle, Laws of flotation.
Unit-4 Sound
Waves, Progressive and stationary waves, mechanical waves, equation of a progressive wave, transverse vibration of a string, speed of sound waves, Newton’s formula, Super-position of sound waves, Beats, Echo, Doppler’s effect, Musical sound and its characteristics.
Unit-5 Optics
Laws of reflection and refraction in transparent medium, total internal reflection, refraction through prisms, Dispersion, Reflection and image formation plan and spherical mirrors, equation for object and image distances for spherical mirrors, image formation in convex and concave lenses, lens equation for convex and concave lenses, power of single and combination of two lenses. Image formation in the eye and defects of vision, microscope and astronomical telescope.
Wave optics, Huygens’s principle, Coherent sources and interference, Young’s double slit, Bio prism, Newton’s ring experiments, Diffraction of light through single slit and plane transmission grating.
Unit-6 Electrostatics
Coulomb’s law and unit of charge, force on charge due to discrete and continuous charge distributions, lines of force and electric field, field due to a point charge and a dipole, electrostatic potential, potential due to a point charge and an electric dipole, electric potential energy of a group of point charges, electric flux, Gauss law and applications, Capacitor, capacitance of parallel plate and spherical capacitors, combinations of capacitors in series and parallel.
Unit-7 Current Electricity
Ohm’s law, current and voltage measurements, resistance and Resistivity, combination of resistances in series an parallel, electromotive force, grouping of resistors and cells. Kirchhoff’s laws and their applications.
Electric energy and power, heating effect of electric current, Faraday’s law of electrolysis.
Magnetic field and magnetic induction, Biot-Savart law, magnetic field due to a straight conductor, a circular coil and a solenoid carrying current. Ampere’s circuital law, Lorentz force on a charge particle in uniform electric and magnetic fields. Force between two parallel conductors’ carrying current.
Unit-8 Electromagnetic induction
Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, Lenz’s law, eddy current, self and mutual induction, emf induced in a rotating coil. Alternating current, average and RMS values of alternating currents, simple AC circuits (RC, RL and RLC), concept of admittance and impedance. Transformers and simple AC devices (motor, dynamo).
Section-II (High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha)
Unit-1 Basic Concepts
Atomic, molecular and equivalent masses, mole concept, types of chemical reactions, calculations based on stoichiometry. Equivalent mass of acid, salt, oxidant and reductant.
Unit-2 States of Matter
Gas laws- Boyle’s law, Charles’ law, combined gas equation, ideal gas equation, Graham’s law of diffusion/ effusion, Dalton’s law of partial pressure.
Characteristics of Liquids: Vapour pressure, viscosity and surface tension. Colligative properties of solutions (solute and solvent forming binary solution).
Unit-3 Structure of Atom
Bohr’s model and its limitations, concept of shells and sub-shells, dual nature of matter and light. De Broglie’s relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principles, concepts of orbital’s, quantum numbers, shape of s,p and d orbital, rules of filling electrons in orbitals- Aufbau principle and Hund’s rule, electronic configuration of atoms, stability of half filled and completely filled orbitals.
Unit-4 Classification and elements and periodicity in properties
Modern periodic law and the present form of periodic table, periodic trends in properties of elements- atomic radii, ionic radii, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy, electro negativity, valency.
Unit-5 Chemical bonding and molecular Structure
Ionic bond, covalent bond, polar character of covalent bond, covalent character of ionic bond, concept of hybridization, VSEPR Theory and shapes of some simple molecules, hydrogen bond and metallic bond.
Uni-6 Chemical reactions
Types of chemical reactions, redox reaction, Oxidation number calculations, balancing of redox equations by oxidation number and ion electron methods, neutralization reactions and volumetric analysis.
Unit-7 Chemical Equilibria and Ionic Equilibria
Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes, law of mass action, equilibrium constants (Kc, Kp, Kx) relation among them, the reaction quotient and its relation with equilibrium. LeChateliers principle and its applications.
Theories of acids and bases, ionization of weak acids and bases, ionic product of water pH and other logarithmic terms, common- ion effect, solubility product and its application in salt analysis.
Unit- 8. General Principles of extraction of metals
Occurrence of metals, ores and minerals, concentration, calcinations, roasting, smelting, reduction methods (carbon reduction, alumino-thermic process, electrolytic and self- reductions) and metal extraction, flux and slag refining of metal. Reactions involved in the Blast furnace for extraction of iron.
Unit-9 Some basic principles of organic chemistry
Classification and IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds
Electronic displacement in covalent bond: inductive effect, electronic effect, resonance and hyper conjugation
Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond: free radicals, carb-cations, carbanions, electrophiles and nucleophiles, types of organic reactions.
Unit-10 Hydrocarbons Classification of Hydrocarbons.
Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: general methods of preparation, properties and uses of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.
Aromatic Hydrocarbons: benzene, resonance aromaticity, chemical properties, directive influence of functional group in mono-substituted benzene.
Section-III (High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha)
Set Theory and its Application
Union, intersection, difference, complement, power set, number of elements in union and inter-section of finite sets.
Relations and Functions
Reflexive, Symmetric, transitive and equivalence relations, injective, subjective and objective functions, inverse of a function.
Number System
Natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational number, real number, absolute values of numbers, triangle inequality.
Quadratic & Linear Equations
Fundamental theorem of Algebra, roots, discriminates, nature the roots, relation between the roots and coefficients.
Calculus of One Variable
Limit, continuity, derivative, tangent, normal, increasing and decreasing functions.
Sequence and Series
Arithmetic and Geometric progressions, monotonic sequence, exponential series, logarithmic series, Taylor’s series, Maclaurin’s series.
Coordinate geometry
Distance formula, section formula, area of a triangle, locus and its equation, straight line, circle, conic section.
Analytical Solid Geometry
Plane, straight line, Sphere
Trial, Sample point, Sample Space, Event, Addition Theorem, Binomial Distribution.
Mean, Mode, Median, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance
Angles associated with 90, 180, 270,360 compounded angle formula, sub-multiple angle formula, Trigonometry Equations, Inverse trigonometric functions, Height and Distance.
Circumference of a circle, length of the arc of a circle, area of a circle, sector and segment, area of a circle annulus, area of a sectional region, area of segment, surface area and volume of a prism, right circular cylinder, cone and sphere.
TGT Science: (CBZ)
Section I (High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha)
(Same as in TGT PCM Syllabus)
Section II
Plant Diversity and Conservation
Nomenclature and classification of plant kingdom, plant divisions- Thallophyta, Bryophyte, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms, their habitat and complexity in their structural organization. Endangered plant species and their conservation measure.
Tissue System
Meristematic and permanent tissues; their types, organization and functions.
Tissue System: Epidermal, ground and vascular tissue system, internal structure of dicot and monocot stems and roots secondary growth in plants.
Structure and photosynthetic pigments, Light reaction: light absorption, electron transport and photophosphorylation, Dark reaction- CO2 fixation by C3, C4 and CAM plants, photorespiration.
Growth in Plants
Photoperiodism, Phototropism, Auxins, Gibberilins, Cytokinins, Ethylene and Abscissic acid, their role in plant growth regulation.
Reproduction in plants
Vegetative reproduction: Fission, budding and cutting(grafting) and propagation in angiosperms.
Asexual Reproduction: Sporulation, Conidia formation and other special structure formation.
Sexual Reproduction: isogamy, Anisogamy and Oogamy, double fertilization and triple fusion in angiosperms.
Parthenogenesis: Tissue culture and micropropagation
Mendelian factors, Monohybrid cross and principles of dominance and segregation.
Dihybridcross: Laws of independent assortment.
Deviations from Mendelian principles
Plant Diseases and Control Measures
Causal Organisms, symptoms, life cycle and control measures of following diseases: Late blight of potato, powdery mildew, Rust and Smut of Wheat, Leaf Sport and blast disease of rice.
Section III (High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha)
Five kingdom classification, Characteristics and Examples of each animal phylum (in case of phylum Chordate up to Classes)
Cell structure and cell division (mitosis and meiosis), DNA and RNA
Linkage, Crossing over, Mutation, Chromosomal aberration and chromosomal mechanism of sex determination
Darwinism, Modern Synthetic theory of evolution ( variation, selection and isolation)
Eco-system, Food Chain and Food Web, Energy Flow, Ecological Pyramids, Renewable and Non-renewable energy resources, Biodiversity (meaning and conservation), Causes, Effects and Control of Air pollution.
Types of food and types of nutrition,
Types of respiration (aerobic and anaerobic) Glycolysis and Krebs Cycle
Blood (Composition and function) in man, structure and working of human heart
Human Kidney (structural details), mechanism of urine formation
Control and Coordination
Structure of neuron, synaptic transmission, structure of human brain and tunction of its different parts, names of endocrine glands and secreted hormones with their specific functions
Reproduction and Development
Structure of Gonads (ovary and testes) and Gametes in man, Fertilization. Types of cleavage.
TGT Arts
(This section shall carry the questions from History & Political Science (15 Marks), Geography & Economics (15 Marks), English (35 Marks) & Odia (35 Marks) each.)
Section- I (High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha)
Great Rulers of Ancient India
- Ashoka — Conquests, administration and missionary activities
- Kharavela — Achievements as mentioned in Hatigumpha inscription
- Samudragupta — Conquests
- Harshavardhana — Conquests, administration and religious activities
- Development of Art and Architecture during Maurya Age, Gupta Age and Kushana Age
- Development of Literature and Science in Ancient India
- Administration during Delhi Sultanate with special reference to Balban, AlauddinKhilji and Feroze Shah Tughlaq.
- Mughal architecture and painting during the reign of Akbar, Jahangir and Shahjahan
- Rise of British power in India from 1757 to 1856
- Robert Clive and foundation of British Power
- Administrative and judicial reforms of Warren Hastings
- Revenue reforms of Lord Cornwallis
- Subsidiary alliance
- Reforms of Lord William Bentinck
- Doctrine of Lapse
Growth of India Nationalism, 1857-1905
- Revolt of 1857
- Development of press and literature
- Education
- Formation of Political associations
Indian National Movement, 1905-1947
- Swadeshi movement
- Non-cooperation movement
- Civil Disobedience movement
- Quit India movement
- Indian National Army
- Partition and Independence
First World War and Russian Revolution
- Causes and consequences of First World War
- Causes Progress and Effects of Russian Revolution
Second World War- Causes and Consequences
- Salient features of Indian Constitution
- Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties
- Union Government — President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers, Parliament and Supreme Court
- State Government — Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, Legislative Assembly and High Court.
- Local Governance — Urban and Rural
- Electoral Process and Election Commission
- India’s Foreign Policy and its relation with neighbours
- United Nations — General Assembly, Security Council Human Rights
- Socialism, Liberalism, Democracy, Authoritarianism, Welfare State and Globalization
- Kautilya, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Bal GangadharTilak, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, B.R.Ambedkar
Section- II (High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha)
Physical Geography of India
- Physiography
- Drainage
- Climate
Resources with Special Reference to India
- Types and Classification, Land Resources; Biotic Resources
- Mineral, Energy, Water Resources
- Agriculture and Industrial Resources
Physical Geography
- First, Second and third order land forms; Development of land forms — work of rivers, wind and glaciers. Interior of the earth, rocks and their types
- Structure and composition of the atmosphere, insolation and temperature; Pressure and Winds; Humidity and Rainfall
- General relief of ocean floor: Salinity ad temperature of the ocean water. Oceanic circulation — waves, tides currents
Globe and Maps
- Basic features; types of maps; map scale; contours of relief features
- Concept of latitude and longitude; International dateline Time Zones; Local and Standard Time
Indian Economy
- Features and broad demographic characteristics; Need and Policies for facing the challenges of over population
Current Challenges of Indian Economy
- Poverty — Measures of poverty; causes, consequences, policy and programmes adopted for poverty eradication; Remedies.
- Unemployment — Types and measures of unemployment; Causes, consequences and programmes adopted for reducing unemployment.
- Inflation — Meaning and types; Demand pul! and cost push inflation; Causes and consequences and measures taken to control inflation.
Economic Development
- Meaning and Indicators — National income, Physical Quality of Life lndex(PQLI), Human development Index (HDI); concept of and need for sustainable development.
Money and Bankin
- Meaning, types and functions of money; Banking: Commercial Banks — Meaning, functions; Credit creation by commercial banks; Central Banking — Meaning and functions; Monetary Policy.
Section- III (High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha)
- An unseen passage in about 150words. Questions testing factual, understanding, inferential and interpretive aspects including vocabulary and usage.
- A poem (neither very old nor very absurd but a simple one). Questions testing factual, understanding, referential, appreciative aspects including vocabulary in context)
Grammar and usage
Testing of grammar and usage in the following areas:
- Prepositions
- Direct and indirect speech
- Passives
- Tense
- Identification of error in a sentence
- Phrasal verbs
- Clause patterns
- Punctuations
- Types of sentences
- Spelling
- Agreement of verbs with subjects
Speaking (Commonly mis-pronounced words, common errors)
Teaching of English
- Importance of Teaching English/learning English in the present context
- Objectives of Teaching English/learning English with reference to Language Skills & Sub-skills
- Strategies of Teaching/learning English with special reference to NCF 2005
- Stages of planning for a Text (pre-reading, while reading and post-reading)
- Assessment of language skills, :Tools and Techniques with reference to Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment
High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha PDF
High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha, High School Teacher Syllabus Odisha