downlaod trust affidavit format
Trust affidavit format in word
Trust format of affidavit in india
Trust notary affidavit format
Trust general affidavit format in india
Trust affidavit template word
B xxxxxxxxA S xxxxxxxxI S xxxxxxxxI TH xxxxxxxxR TRUST
At-T xxxxxxxx-2 , Po- xxxxxxxxs, Ps-Ba xxxxxxxxal, Dist-B xxxxxxxxre, Odisha
This Declaration of Trust made at B xxxxxxxxal
on this day of Dec. 20xx
- Sri xxxxxxxxl , aged about 42 years, S/o Late Br xxxxxxxx Biswal , Cast-Khandayat , At- Ja xxxxxxxxur Tahalia-2, Po-B xxxxxxxxs, PsBa xxxxxxxxal, Dist –B xxxxxxxx Here in after called the founder of the Trust.
There shall be Board of Trustee to administer and Manage all matters regarding to trust. which shall be compromise of minimum five(5) members & miximum of eleven(11) members. The board of trustee shall be consists of the following trustee members.
- Sri xxxxxxxxswal , aged about 42 years, S/o Late Br xxxxxxxx Biswal , Cast-Khandayat , At- J xxxxxxxxpur Tahalia-2, Po-B xxxxxxxxs, PsBa xxxxxxxxal, Dist –Ba xxxxxxxx Here in after called the managing trustee of the trust.
- xxxxxxxxar Rout, aged about 40, S/o Sri Ba xxxxxxxxar xxxxxxxxut , Cast- K xxxxxxxxat, At-Tah xxxxxxxxa-2 , Po-B xxxxxxxxs, Ps-Ba xxxxxxxxl, Dist- B xxxxxxxx Here in after called the secretary cum financial trustee of the trust.
- xxxxxxxxhee, aged about 43 years, S/o Sri Pr xxxxxxxx Shee, Cast-Raju, At- xxxxxxxxia, Po-B xxxxxxxx, Ps-B xxxxxxxxal, Dist-B xxxxxxxx. Here in after called the president of the trust.
- xxxxxxxxGhadei , aged about 37 years, S/o late Rabindra Ghadei , Cast- Doma , At-Gopin xxxxxxxxur, Po-B xxxxxxxx, Ps-Ba xxxxxxxx, Dist- xxxxxxxx Here in after called the member of the trust.
- xxxxxxxx, aged about 42 years, S/o Late Pan xxxxxxxx P xxxxxxxx, Cast- Khandayat, At/Po-Ja xxxxxxxx, Via/Ps- xxxxxxxx Dist-B xxxxxxxx Here in after called the member of the trust.
- The above Founder Trustees shall hold office for life or until they resign. Whenever such a vacancy occurs, the same shall be filled up within six months by a resolution of the 2/5th majority of the remaining Trustees. It the work and activities of any trustee is not satisfactory he may removed by resolution passed by 2/5th majority of the trustee board.
- The Trustees may from time, co-opt additional Trustees up to their members by 2/5th majority for a period of three years. The Terms of additional Trustees may, however, ever be renewed by 2/5th majority of the Founder Trustees.
- The Trustees shall not draw any remunerations or honorarium for their services.
WHEREAS the FOUNDERS is desirous of creating a spiritual & religious Trust of public nature “named”.
The Trust shall be administered as per terms described hereinafter in purchase of the said desire of the FOUNDER of the Trust has set apart a sum of Rs. 10,000/- which shall be held and applied for the objects of the Trust, subject to the obligations and purposes specifically set out below to the condition laid down hereinafter.
WHEREAS the FOUNDER shall set apart amounts which shall be added to the CORPUS.
WHERAS it is necessary to provide Rules and Regulations for the proper and clean administration of the Trust.
Now This Deed of Trust Witnesseeth as follows : –
- Name of the Trust: –
The Trust shall be named and known as xxxxxxxxTRUST
- Registered office
At-T xxxxxxxx-2, Po-B xxxxxxxx, Ps- xxxxxxxxl, Dist-B xxxxxxxx
The Board of Trustee may, however by Resolution decide to have branch office(s) at various places and also change the place of the registered office by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
The following are the objects of the Trust: –
- To propagate and spread the preaching of xxxxxxxx.
- To develop, construct and maintain place of worship of xxxxxxxxSAI THAKUR The place of worship shall be open to people of all faiths and religions.
- To acquire by gifts, donations, purchase or to take on lease, Plots of land for the objects of the Trust.
- To construct buildings on the Plots acquire and/or to acquire buildings by purchase, lease, gifts, donation etc. to renovate them or re-construct them for the purposes mentioned therein.
- To provide assistances in the field of religion, spiritual quest, education, culture science and Social and philanthropic activities. The assistances may be to individual or institution.
The following shall be sources of the funds of the Trust:-
- CORPUS given by the Founding Trustees :-
- Donations, gifts, presents and grants either in cash or in kind from the Government, public and private sectors, firms, Companies and individuals from India as well as abroad.
- Sri xxxxxxxx shall be a Managing Trustee, who shall look after the affairs of the TRUST.
- The Managing Trustee may appoint such staff on such terms and conditions as may be necessary in the interest of the Trust. Such appointments shall be ratified by the Board of Trustees within the next two meetings of the Board of Trustees from the date of such appointment.
- The assets of the Trust, including all documents, shall remain in the custody of the Managing Trustee who shall maintain an office or offices at such place or placesmay be decided by the Founder Trustees from time to time.
- The Managing Trustee shall jointly open and operate bank account or accounts of the Trust along with the Financial’ Trustee Secretary of the trustee
- There shall be a secretary cum Financial Trustee, from amongst the Trustees, who shall maintain accounts of the Trust.
- The Secretary cum financial trustee shall jointly open and operate Bank account or Accounts of the Trust along with the Managing Trustees.
- The Secretary of Trustee Shall have the accounts audited within one and a half months from the end of the financial years and shall be responsible for placing the accounts before the Board of Trustees at their next quarterly meeting.
- The Board of Trustees shall have full powers to take all decisions by adopting resolutions by a simple majority of the Trustees present and voting. The Managing Trustee as chair person shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.
- Subject to the decisions of the Board of Trustees, the Managing Trustee shall administer all affairs relating to the Trust. The Managing trustee shall apprise the Board of Trustees of all the major decisions taken by him/her.
- The Auditors of the Trust shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees on such fee and remuneration as approved by the Board.
- The Secretary cum financial trustee Trustee shall place before the Board of Trustees duly audited accounts and an annual statement of income and expenditure of the Trust within the time specified in clause 7d. He shall also present a proposed budget and get a vote of accounts passed from the Board of Trustees.
- The Board of Trustees may decide the Bank/ Banks with whom the Trustmay open its accounts. The Managing Trustee and Financial trustee shall be jointly authorized to sign all cheques and other documents relating to the accounts (S) in the Bank (s).
- The Boa.rd of Trusteesmay obtain funds from financial institutions-on such terms and conditions as may be agreed upon.
- The Board of Trusteesshall have power and shall be entitled to collect, recover and receive dividends, rents and other income of the Trust and incur all expenses for the management of the Trust and for administering and carrying out the activities of the Trust.
- The Board of Trustee may sell, mortgage, assign, transfer or let on lease the assets of the Trust.
- The Board of Trustees shall have power to apply for and obtain grants from the government, local, authorities or other authorities, companies, firms, individuals and institutionson such terms and conditions as they think fit.
- The Board of Trustees shall have full power to compromise or compound all actions, suits and other proceedings and all differences and demands and to refer any such difference or demand to arbitration and to adjust, settle and approve all accounts relating to the Trust and to execute release and to all other things relating thereto.
- The Board of Trustees conform to the provisions of the Indian Trust Act, 1882 in respect of all maters not expressly provided herein.
- The Board of Trustees may from time to time frame rules or make amendments by 2/5th majority of the Board of Trustees for carrying out the objects of the Trust
The Board of Trustee may appoint an adviser as and when required who shall advice the Board on such matter as the Board decide. The adviser shall not be paid any remuneration for his services. He may attend the meeting of the Board of the Trustees; and advice on such matters as are referred to him.
- The Board of Trustees shall meet quarterly. The Managing Trustee shall notify all members of the Board of Trustees about the date, time and place of meeting. Notice may, however be dispensed with the majority of Trustees agree to waive the notice. However, 2/5th majority of the Founder Trustees may call an emergent meeting.
- Agenda of the meetings shall be circulated by the Managing Trustee. Minutes of the meeting shall be recorded by the Board of Trustees present. In case of emergent meeting, the majority shall decide who shall preside over the meeting and will write the minutes.
- The managing Trustee shall preside over the meetings of the Board of Trustees. In his/her absence, it shall be preside by the Financial Trustee.
- MISCELLAtioneous:
- It is expressly declare that the above Trust is a religious and spiritual Trust.
- If at any time the objects of the Trust become impossible for fulfillment, the properties of the Trust, and funds of the Trust shall be transferred to another religious and charitable Trust with similar objects or it shall be utilized for such allied purpose as the Board of Trustees may decide.
In witness where of we do hereby set our hand seal on this ______ day of Dec. 20xx.
D.T.P. & prepared by
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