Employment News 27 March to 02 April 2021
Recruitment Notice No. 59505/GEN/CIV EST/ASW
Tradesman Mate Requirement 2021 Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for the following post in Pay Matr’x as per 7th CPC Rs. 18,000- 56,900/- plus other allowances as admissible to Cent al Government Employees. The Endurance and physical test are qualifying in natu e. Both Endurance and physical test (wherever applicable) will be conducted prior to written test. The candidates who fail to qualify in the physical test and endurance test (wherever applicable) shall not be permitted to undergo written test, skill test:
The Above post is subject to All India Service LIability Including field service.
Age Limit : 18 to 40 years
Sl No. | Name of post | Pay Scale | Essential Qualification | Physical endurance test /skilled test (which ever applicable) | Category | Total Post | Remarks |
1. | Tradesman Mate | Rs.18,000/- 56,900 + Allowances | Matriculation Desirable Knowledge in Hindi | Should Pass Endurance/Physical Test and Written Test | SC (PH/HH) | 01 | Vacancy reserved for PH/HH (Hearing handicapped only) |
- Candidates will forward application properly sealed, in an envelope to the address mentioned against the post applied for, through ordinary post/Registered post/Speed Application in person will not be accepted. Candidates are requested to super scribe the words “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ” on the top on
envelope while sending the application form to The Commanding Officer, 59 Int Div Ord Unit. PIN- 909059, C/O 99 APO. The above sentences, If not super scribed on envelope. same will not be accepted. The envelope should clearly mention the senders name and address at the reverse. - Last date for receipt of application Is 21 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News (excluding the date of publication).
- The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date for receipt of application i.e, 21 days from publication in Employment News.
- The photocopy of the following Documentstertificate to be attached along with application duly self-attested.
(a) Two passport size photographs duly self-attested. one on right corner of application and one on Acknowledgement Card/Call letter.
(b) Attested copies of following certificates will also be submitted with application: –
- Education Qualification Certificate.
- Date of Birth Certificate.
(III) Physically Handicap Certificate.
- Aadhar Card
- Pan Card
(c) Self-addressed envelope duly affixed postal stamp of Rs. 25/-