Recruitment for the post of Jr. Clerk
Applications in the prescribed format are invited from the desirous candidates
for recruitment to the posts of Junior Clerk of Taluk Legal Services Committee
(TLSC) i.e. Jaypatna, Kesinga & Koksara. Such appointment shall be governed
by the provisions of Odisha Group-C and Group-D posts (Contractual
Appointment) Rules, 2013 read with Odisha Group”C” and Group “D” Posts
(Contractual Appointment) Amendment Rules, 2017.
Since the posts of Junior Clerk in TLSCs i.e. Jaypatna, Kesinga and Koksara are identical for all practical purposes, the candidates are required to submit only one application. The candidates shall be selected for appointment on the basis of their position in the common merit list and may be posted either as Junior Clerk of TLSCs i.e. Jaypatna, Kesinga and Koksara functioning under the territorial jurisdiction of DLSA, Kalahandi as per decision of the appointing authority.
The decision of the District Judge-cum-Chairman, District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), Kalahandi, Bhawanipatna as to the result of the Examination shall be final and in no case, shall liable to be challenged. The authority reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process at any time without any prior notice.
Name of the Post : Junior Clerk
UR (W) : 01
SEBC : 01
ST (W) : 01
Total : 03
Scale of Pay : Rs 8,880/-
Note :
1. The number of posts as indicated above may increase or decrease.
2. Reservation in respect of different categories of candidates shall be as per applicable Rules/policies/ guidelines.
(a) Should have passed at least +2 examination conducted by CHSE or equivalent examination and Odia as a subject at least of M.E. standard.
.b) Must have passed at least Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized institution.
(c) Must have knowledge in Typing in English 40 words per minute and in Odia 20 words per minute.
.rv) Age: The candidates shall not be less than 18 years of age and shall not be more than 32 years of age as on the date of publication of the advertisement ( Relaxation of age, wherever applicable shall be granted as per relevant Govt. Rules)
The candidates are required to deposit fees of Rs.I00/-(one hundred) only in
shape of Treasury Challan under the Head “0070-other Administrative Services-
01-Administration of Justice-501-Services and Service Fees-0010-charges for service provided-02040-Examination fees for recruitment” and to submit the original copy of Challan along with their application forms.
The SC/ST candidates are exempted from payment of the Examination fees.
Last Date of Receipt of Application :
office of the Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Kalahandi, Bhawanipatna on or before 10.03.2021
N.B. : –
(i) The envelope containing the application should be super scribed with the words “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF JUNIOR CLERK” at the top.
(ii) Non compliance of any of the requirements mentioned in the advertisement shall entail rejection of his/her application out-rightly. Application if found defective and/or incomplete in any respect and received after the last date, shall be summarily rejected.
(iii) The District Legal Services Recruitment Committee reserves the right to short list the candidates, if required.
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