Odisha GK Question and Answer PDF is available now. This PDF contains all the questions and answers of Odisha GK that are likely to be asked in the upcoming exams. This resource will help you prepare for the exams and make sure that you have all the information that you need.
If you’re looking for guidance on Odisha GK questions, you’ve come to the right place! In this PDF, we’ve compiled answers to all the most commonly asked questions about the Odisha GK exam. From preparation tips to detailed explanations of each question, we’ve made it easy for you to get ahead of the curve. So whether you’re a student looking to study for your GK exam, or an employer who wants to make sure your employees are up to speed, this PDF is for you!
1. According to Raghuvamsam of Kalidasa which territory was mentioned as a neighbor of Kalinga?
[A] Utkal[B] Tosali
[C] Kangoda
[D] Kosala
[A] Utkal
2.What is the name of the foreign historian who divided Kalinga into three divisions?
[A] Pliny[B] Curtius
[C] Plutarch
[D] Diodorus
[A] Pliny
3.Which part of ancient Odisha often referred to as ” Land of Honey”?
[A] Kalinga[B] Utkala
[C] Kangoda
[D] Kosala
[C] Kangoda
4. Which of the following was a famous poet, also a contemporary to Rajaraja II?
[A] Dandin[B] Utbi
[C] Jayadeva
[D] Tulsidasa
[C] Jayadeva
5.The bathe of Giria was fought between?
[A] Alivardi Khan and Sarfaraj Khan[B] Alivardi Khan and Sujauddin
[C] Alivardi Khan and Murshid Quli Khan
[D] None of the above
[A] Alivardi Khan and Sarfaraj Khan
6.The famous Rath Yatra of Odisha was popularised by?
[A] Marathas[B] Afghans
[C] Mughals
[D] None of the above
[A] Marathas
7. Which among the following was/ were the famous port of Odisha through which Marathas used to export paddy?
[A] Golrah[B] Harishpur
[C] Bishenpur
[D] All of the above
[D] All of the above
8. Who wrote Mandira Prabesha?
[A] Malati Devi[B] Rama Devi
[C] Sarala Devi
[D] Sita Devi Khadanga
[D] Sita Devi Khadanga
9.Which place is known as “Bhata Handi” of Odisha state?
[A] Bargarh[B] Ganjam
[C] Balangir
[D] Balasore
[A] Bargarh
10. What is the rank of Odisha in terms of area and population-wise among all states of India?
[A] 6th & 12th[B] 9th & 11th
[C] 9th & 13th
[D] 6th & 11th
[B] 9th & 11th
11. “Mugger Crocodile scheme” at Ramatirtha, Jashipur was started in which year ?
[A] 1950[B] 1969
[C] 1979
[D] 1989
[C] 1979
12. Which city has been considered by the Government of Odisha for implementing the Solar City Program ?
[A] Bhubaneswar[B] Puri
[C] Cuttack
[D] Balasore
[A] Bhubaneswar
13. DD Odia channel was launched in which year ?
[A] 1910[B] 1950
[C] 1966
[ID] 1994
[ID] 1994
14. The birth of the twins is associated with which of the following pair of states?
[A] Bengal and bihar[B] Bihar and Odisha
[C] Bengal and Odisha
[D] None of the baove
[B] Bihar and Odisha
15. Which of the following process is conducted to enhance the durability of the Coir craft of Odisha?
[A] Retting[B] Burning
[C] Moulting
[D] None of the above
[A] Retting
16. Bhajan comes under which of the following types of music of Odisha?
[A] Raw classical music[B] Light classical music
[C] Folk Music
[D] Tribal music
[B] Light classical music
17. Sonal Mansingh is a famous dancer of which of the following dance form?
[A] Odissi[B] Mahari
[C] Gotipua
[D] Kuchipudi
[A] Odissi
18. Which of the following dance form of Odisha starts from Bhadra Shukla Ekadashi?
[A] Karma Dance[B] Ghanta Patua Dance
[C] Ghumra Dance
[D] None of the above
[A] Karma Dance
19. What is the sex ratio of Odisha as per the census conducted in 2011?
[A] 921[B] 932
[C] 979
[D] 986
[C] 979
20. Which of the following schemes was launched in Odisha with an aim of providing pension to old age,widows and handicapped?
[A] Utkal Pension yojana[B] Sarala Pension Yojana
[C] Madhubabu Pension Yojana
[D] Biju Pension Yojana )
[C] Madhubabu Pension Yojana