Odia Grammar Quiz Test Online For Competitive Online Exams
Odia Grammar Quiz Test Learn Odia Grammar online with example. All the topics listed here are described in easy Odia grammar way for education. Now to know this choose your desired subject in which you can prepare well.
If you are searching for Best free Odia grammar test for UPSSSC, BPSC, MPPSC, Vyapam, CTET, UPTET, RTET, UTET, BTET, TGT / PGT, B.ed / B. P. Led Entrance exam, UP Lekhpal, UP VDO, UP RO/ARO, UP Police SI, UP Police Constable, Bihar Police, MP Police exam etc. then you are at best place Here you will get topic wise and mix topic Odia grammar test or Odia vyakaran mock test for competitive exams. As Odia grammar is same for all then these tests are also useful for the Higher school level and College level students.

Odia Grammar Quiz Test
#1. ନିଦାନର ଅର୍ଥ କଣ?
#2. ସେହି ଶିକ୍ଷକ ନମସ୍ୟ, ରେଖାଙ୍କିତ ଶବ୍ଦଟି କଣ ?
#3. “ସଙ୍ଗରୋଧ” ଶବ୍ଦର ସଠିକ ଅର୍ଥ ବାଛ |
#4. ଯିଏ ସୃଷ୍ଟିକରେ ସେ?
#5. “ପୁରୋହିତ କର୍ମ” ଏକ ପଦରେ କଣ ହେବ
#6. କେଉଁଟି ଶୁଦ୍ଧ ଶବ୍ଦ?
#7. ଆକାଶର ପ୍ରତିଶବ୍ଦ କଣ?
#8. ଅନ୍ୟ ବର୍ଣ୍ଣର ସାହାଯ୍ୟ ନନେଇ ଉଚ୍ଚାରିତ ହେଉଥିବା ବର୍ଣ୍ଣକୁ ———- କୁହାଯାଏ
#9. “ଅମାପ” – ଏହା କାହାର ଏକ ପଦରୁପ ଚିହ୍ନାଅ ?
#10. ରାକ୍ଷସର ପ୍ରତିଶବ୍ଦ କେଉଁଟି ନୁହେଁ|
#11. ପୁଅକୁ ଅସତ ପଥରୁ ବାରଣ କର , ବିଭକ୍ତି ଚିହ୍ନଟ କର
#12. “ଅକ୍ଷମଣୀୟ” ଶବ୍ଦର ସଠିକ ଅର୍ଥ ବାଛ |
#13. ଶୁଦ୍ଧ ଶବ୍ଦଟି ବାଛ?
#14. ସଠିକ୍ ବାକ୍ୟାଟି ବାଛ ।
#15. ‘ହୁଙ୍କାପିଟା’ ରୂଢିର ଅର୍ଥ କ’ ଣ ?
#16. ‘ଠଣ ଠଣ’ କି ପ୍ରକାର ଅବ୍ୟୟ |
#17. ଅଧୋଗତି – ସନ୍ଧିବିଛେଦ କର |
#18. ପିଲାଟା ଏପରି ——– ଯେ, ଯାହା କହିବ ତାହା କରିବ |
#19. ଦେବାସୁର କି ପ୍ରକାର ସମାସ ?
#20. “ମେଘ” ର ପ୍ରତିଶବ୍ଦ କେଉଁଟି ?
In today’s article, you can read the essay on Sharad i.e. winter season in Odia. Autumn is just about to arrive in our country India. and also visit Wikipedia
In this essay you can learn about the advantages and disadvantages of autumn. After reading this article completely, you must tell through the comment below that how did you like this
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