CBSE Class 8 English Question Papers


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English ( Class – VII) 2018-19


Q1. Read the following passage and answer the questions: –

King Alphanso got down from his horse. He went to help the mule- driver. Both of them pulled and pushed untilthey succeeded in getting the mule on the firm ground. By this time they were covered with mud. A number of people had collected by this time and they stood by watching. Then someone recognized the King. People beganto whisper to each other that it was the King himself who had helped the mule-driver. When the mule- driverheard this, he was very frightened. He turned to him and begged for his forgiveness. Alphanso told that he haddone his duty as a man. He maybe a king but as a man he should
help those who are in some difficult. The King thus put to shame all those passers-by who would not help.

  1. How did King Alphanso help the mule-driver?
  2. Why was the mule-driver frightened?
  3. What did he ask from the King?
  4. What was the response King gave to the people? How did he put to shame the passers-by?
  5. Write the similar word of “Recognize”

Q2. Read the passage and answer the questions given below: –

A. Papaya is the healthiest fruit with a list of properties that is long and exhaustive. Papaya favours digestionas well as cures skin irritation and sun burns. You can munch on it as a salad, have it cooked or boiled or just drink it up as milkshake or juice. The most important of these virtues is the protein- digesting enzyme inthe milky juice or latex. The enzyme is similar to pepsin in its digestive action and is said to be so powerfulthat it can digest 200 times its own weight in protein. It assists the body in assimilating the aximumnutritional value from food to provide energy and bodybuilding materials. Papain in raw papaya makes upfor the deficiency of gastric juice and fights excess of unhealthy mucus in the stomach, dyspepsia andintestinal irritation. The ripe fruit, if eaten regularly corrects habitual constipation, bleeding piles and chronic diarrhoea. The juice of the papaya seeds also assists in the above-mentioned ailments. The juice, used as acosmetic, removes freckles or brown spots due to exposure to sunlight and makes the skin smooth anddelicate. A paste of papaya seeds is applied in skin diseases like those caused by ringworm. The black seeds of the papaya are highly beneficial in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver caused by alcoholism,malnutrition, etc. A tablespoonful of its juice, combined with a hint of fresh lime juice, should be consumedonce or twice daily for a month. The fresh juice of raw papaya mixed with honey can be applied overinflamed tonsils, for diphtheria and other throat disorders. It dissolves the membrane and prevents infectionfrom spreading.

a) What is the one most important virtues of pepsin?
b) How is it possible to overcome intestinal irritation?
c) How can throat disorders be cured?
d) Why papaya is called a versatile fruit?
e) What is meant by ‘The juice can be used as a cosmetic’?

B. An old man was once ploughing his fields, when the king of the country, who was an idler, happened toride that way. Attracted by the bent figure of the old man, he drew up the reins o1’his house and called outto him. The old man quickly ran to the king and prostrating himself before him, begged to know what hissovereign Lord demanded of him. Curious to know his age, the king asked him if he had known his fatherthe late king, “Yes , ” said he , “I knew him and his father , my Lords grandfather and. “Then you are overseventy five years of age,” interrupted the King, “May be” quickly replied the old man, “but my lord willpermit me to say that I am but seven years now.” Ah! Ah! What is it you say? “Seven years, only sevenyears!” cried the King in surprise. “So it is, my Lord,” replied the old man. “Counting only the number ofyears I have lived for the good of others. Of what benefit is it to others to live a life of slothfulness and ease?”The King was deeply touched by the wise words of the old man and thanking him, rode off. From that dayonwards the King was a different man altogether.

a) What was the old man doing in his field?
b) What kind of a king was he?
c) How did the king make out that the old man was more than seventy-five years of age?
d) Why did the old man feel that he is only seven years old
e) Pick out the word from the passage, which means the same as: “A lazy person” .

Q3. Read the passage and answer the questions given below: –

The tree was young and strong and it took a long time to kill. It took two workmen with axes, two daysincluding tea breaks. Which without conscious irony, they took in the shade of the leafy branches of the, treethey were chopping down. It was a Gulmohar I had planted 13 years ago, along with several other saplings,when Bunny and I moved into the National media centre. The NMC is built on a little over 22 acres andmany hundreds of the local babul trees that used to cloak that part of the Haryana countryside like smoke from evening chullas must have been cut down to make way for the brick and cement of our colony. I’m nota tree hugger but still felt that some restitution was due. So Bunny and I planted several saplings. The two Gulmohars at the rear were foot high saplings when we put them in the floor window, flooding the roomwith afterglow and screening from view the ugly scars of new construction in what had once been openfields behind our house. I felt the smugness of satisfaction, of having done the right thing. I’d given back,in however small a way, a little bit of what we take away from the earth every day, everywhere. Righteousness invites its own revenge. The roots of one of the trees had spread, crushing the sewage system. The handyman gave us the choice of either cutting down the tree or its roots would endanger the foundations of the house.

a) What is the irony in the first para?
b) What did the author decide to do?
c) What sort of feelings evoked in the author when he visualises newly grown Gulmohar trees?
d) Why did the writer had to get free felled?
e) What is meant by ‘being righteous’?

(Writing & Grammar)

Q4. You are the head girl of your school and you need to inform the students about the painting competition tobe held in school. Draft a notice in about 50 – 70 words.


Imagine yourself as Himani or Adarsh residing at Allahabad. You are staying in hostel. Your school feesare yet to deposit. Write a letter to your father asking him to send the money as early as possible to avoid any penalties.

Q5. Write a short paragraph in about 80 words on any of the following topics:

a) The importance of trees
b) The importance of good habits

Q6. Convert the following into reported speech.

a) Reena said, ” I am very beautiful “
b) She said, ” The earth moves around the sun “
c) Mahesh said to Ramesh, ” I want to the railway station yesterday “
d) Jay said, ” I have two pencils in his pocket “
e) Ram said to Rahim, ” Where do you live? “

Q7. Fill in the blanks with can, could, may, might and must.
a) ————- I use a calculator in the class ?
b) The back door ———— not be open.
c) I thought that he ———— help you to get in.
d) The rebellion ————- lead to many deaths.
e) As a child sheena ————- sing well. SECTION- C ( Literature)

Q8. Read the extract below and answer the following the questions.

They look like black Mountains standing in front of me across the sky. I knew I could not fly up and cover them, and I did not have enough fuel to fly around them to the north or south.

a) What are’ they’ here?
b) Explain the figure of speech used in the above extract?
c) Which word in the passage means the same as’ sufficient’ ?
d) Did the writer have enough fuel?

Q9. Read the extract below and write the answers of the following questions:

When I set out for Lyonnesse,
A hundred miles away,
The rime was on the spray,
And starlight lit my lonesomeness
When I set out for Lyonnese
A hundred miles away

I) How far was Lyonnesse?
a) miles
b) Hundred miles
c) One and half miles
d) Two hundred miles
II) What lit the poet’s lonesomeness?
a) Moonlight
b) Starlight
c) Torch
d) Lamp
III) What was the weather condition there?
a) It was hot
b) Rima was on the spray
c) It was raining
d) It was dry
IV) Pick out the meaning of ” Time”
a) Forest
b) Raindrops
c) Sunshine
d) None of these

Q10. Answer ANY FIVE of the following in 30-40 words:

a) How did Jody look after the fawn, after he accepted the responsibility for doing this?
b) What is the significance of cobra lily in relation to the monsoon season, its beginning and end?
c) What are the two different ideas about why so few animals were killed in the tsunami? Which idea do you find more believable?
d) What made the poet proclaim Ernest
was the Stone Face?
e) Mention the various ways in which the
British and the German soldiers become
friends and find things in common at Christmas.

Q11. You have been selected as the student of the year in your school. Write a diary entry in about 70-80words, expressing your feelings about the same.

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